Backstubenfoto Salate 202

Always fresh, crispy and above all healthy!

Always fresh, crispy and above all healthy!

Our salads can also be real highlights for your catering. Serve your guests something special.

Our salads can also be real highlights for your catering. Serve your guests something special.

Always fresh and crisp

In our fast-paced world, conscious nutrition doesn't have to be anything that can only be experienced at home. If you want to start the day fit and healthy, you can taste one of our crunchy salads. Finest and freshest ingredients from ecologically conscious partners.

Nudelsalat Curry Mango192

Caribbean Dream

Tomate Mozzarella186

Italienische Versuchung

Nudelsalat Tomate Rucola182

Genuss aus Italien

Bulgursalat mit Kichererbsen

Gruß aus dem Orient

Are you missing a very special ingredient?

This is not a problem. Let us create your own salad or customize one from our portfolio.

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Mitarbeiter des Jahres 235

Thorsten Sauer

Head of Marketing, Product Development, Operations manager

Any questions? Call 02154.89130-12 now!

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